It’s Not Scary.
Halloween? Scary
Ghosts? Scary
The Dark? Scary
Mammogram? NOT SCARY
As has been my tradition for the past 16 years, I am sending my annual letter to encourage you to take care of your mammary glands. That means monthly self-exams, conversations with your doctors, and scheduled mammograms (and ultrasounds) beginning at 40 years old.
My baseline mammogram at 40 revealed breast cancer. Scary
Health insurance, early detection and a team of exceptional doctors made it less scary. The knowledge I gained was powerful. I was able to navigate my care with a strong support system. Less scary
So, on this last day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I invite you to:
Make an appointment for a screening.
If you are a man, encourage the women in your life to stay on top of their appointments. They will ALWAYS find something that is more important than their health.
Take 2 Advil before and buy yourself a gift after.
If you get scary news, get the support and information you need to make informed decisions.
Call me. I will always try to make it less scary.
Healthy Boo-bs and full-sized candy bars to all!